Interpretive writing training

Photos: Boris Plesa

The power of words

Guides are great but they need to eat and sleep whereas attention-grabbing interpretive panels and labels, leaflets, self-guided trail maps, web pages and audio guides are available all day, every day. Crucially, they also influence visitor choices on what to see and do before they even arrive at their destination.

There are so many exciting and inspiring things you can say about a site or place but there are special ways to hit the sweet spot, avoid the pitfalls and make written or oral text an integral part of the visitor experience.

I can deliver training events ranging from a 40-hour interpretive guide course, certified by Interpret Europe, to half-day/day-long workshops and short tasters.

Please contact me with your requirement and I can propose a personalised response.

Interpretive writing learning outcomes:

• Understand the origins and aims of interpretation
• Practice and master interpretive writing principles
• Facilitate first-hand experiences through writing
• Promote tangible and intangible heritage through writing
• Reveal meanings and relationships with natural and cultural sites and objects
• Select sites and objects to reveal their uniqueness and significance to visitors
• Engage with visitors to discover heritage by appealing to their intelligence, senses and shared values
• Create interpretive self-guided tours, audio guides, display panels and exhibition labels
• Create catchy headings and effective text hierarchies using simple language for information panels and exhibition display labels