Open to Interpretation
This page celebrates the art of revealing deeper meanings in our natural and cultural heritage in fun and rewarding way.
Cette page est dédiéé à la révélation du sens caché des objets ou des sites naturels et culturels qui nous entourent
7 months ago
The excellent Exile Memorial Museum in La Jonquera, Northern Catalonia www.museuexili.cat/en/ describes the physical, mental and social trauma of the Retirada from the Spanish Civil war but also history repeating itself in other countries today. Can anything good come out of suffering? This inspiring message (Google translated from Catalan) reminds visitors of refugees' accomplishments, how contact with other cultures enabled them to achieve great things spurred on by their new circumstances and in turn make significant contributions to their countries of adoption, particularly European states. By linking the past with the present and inviting critical reflection, museums like this are more relevant than ever in today's circumstances.
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9 months ago
Thunder streak, mirage, star fighter, crusader, jaguar, shooting star… Montélimar Fighter Aircraft Museum is a thrill, especially for little boys and men of a certain age. Lots of details, of course, but I wonder what the noise, forces, and smells pilots experienced flying these post-WWII jets. What qualities did it take to become a pilot? How did they feel about executing their Cold War missions? How can visitors be invited to consider the awe and aesthetics embodied in these action-packed names with the fundamental priority of deadly design?
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10 months ago
Perception and understanding.Cité de la Préhistoire de l'Aven d'Orgnac, Ardèche.
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10 months ago
Here's a new, short article on understanding and divisions inspired by a recently published book co-authored by French anthropologist, Philippe Descola.
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Do you understand? - open to interpretation
Bringing heritage to life for unique and informative visitor experiences. Sandy Colvine Interpret Europe Certified. Open to interpretation.11 months ago
Ce musée est à vous!À l'image de la société, le musée se doit d'évoluer et quoi de mieux qu'un espace vivant de réflexion, du ressenti et d'échange entre visiteurs. Il faut parfois le rappeler !This is your museum!Like society, museums need to change with the times and what better than to be lively places of reflection, feelings, sensations and exchange between visitors. Sometimes we need to be reminded!
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Open to Interpretation
This page celebrates the art of revealing deeper meanings in our natural and cultural heritage in fun and rewarding way.
Cette page est dédiéé à la révélation du sens caché des objets ou des sites naturels et culturels qui nous entourent
7 months ago
The excellent Exile Memorial Museum in La Jonquera, Northern Catalonia www.museuexili.cat/en/ describes the physical, mental and social trauma of the Retirada from the Spanish Civil war but also history repeating itself in other countries today. Can anything good come out of suffering? This inspiring message (Google translated from Catalan) reminds visitors of refugees' accomplishments, how contact with other cultures enabled them to achieve great things spurred on by their new circumstances and in turn make significant contributions to their countries of adoption, particularly European states. By linking the past with the present and inviting critical reflection, museums like this are more relevant than ever in today's circumstances.
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9 months ago
Thunder streak, mirage, star fighter, crusader, jaguar, shooting star… Montélimar Fighter Aircraft Museum is a thrill, especially for little boys and men of a certain age. Lots of details, of course, but I wonder what the noise, forces, and smells pilots experienced flying these post-WWII jets. What qualities did it take to become a pilot? How did they feel about executing their Cold War missions? How can visitors be invited to consider the awe and aesthetics embodied in these action-packed names with the fundamental priority of deadly design?
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10 months ago
Perception and understanding.Cité de la Préhistoire de l'Aven d'Orgnac, Ardèche.
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10 months ago
Here's a new, short article on understanding and divisions inspired by a recently published book co-authored by French anthropologist, Philippe Descola.
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Do you understand? - open to interpretation
Bringing heritage to life for unique and informative visitor experiences. Sandy Colvine Interpret Europe Certified. Open to interpretation.11 months ago
Ce musée est à vous!À l'image de la société, le musée se doit d'évoluer et quoi de mieux qu'un espace vivant de réflexion, du ressenti et d'échange entre visiteurs. Il faut parfois le rappeler !This is your museum!Like society, museums need to change with the times and what better than to be lively places of reflection, feelings, sensations and exchange between visitors. Sometimes we need to be reminded!
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